Saturday, 27 June 2015

Healthy Snacking

I met a lady once who had a 5 year old daughter and we were talking about kids and food. She told me that she got sick of having to go to the pantry to get her daughter snacks that she decided to fill a drawer full of snacks for her daughter to help herself to anytime of the day. That drawer is filled with chocolate bars, potato chips, lollies, basically junk.

This lady was overweight and she was telling everyone that her daughter was heavy for her age group and had to wear size 12 kids clothes which was 7 sizes bigger than the average 5 year old clothing size.

I was pregnant with my first child during this conversation and I made a mental note never to have such a snack drawer for my children.

I don't forbid them from the food mentioned above however when they do ask for a snack, I always offer them fruit or carrots or something that doesn't come packaged. I also try to bake them biscuits and cake myself so I know what ingredients have been used.

Today, we are having a slow day at home. They are playing dress-ups and since they have been well behaved, they get to watch one of their favourite movies. With that, I made them a fruit platter of sliced apple, pear and dried apricot on a bed of sultanas. They are enjoying it as I type and I am glad that they don't have a habit of expecting chocolate, chips or lollies when they ask for a snack.

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